Community mental health — Nelson Marlborough
There are many community-based services across the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions that offer respite care, support, day programmes and peer-led support.
Nelson and Motueka
At Nīkau Hauora Hub you will find peer and community support to help your wellbeing journey. The hub will support you to connect with services and agencies to cover your physical health and wellbeing needs, housing and access to eligible services such as benefit entitlements, training and education, employment and wider social supports.
The team based in the Nīkau Hauora Hub building include:
- peer support workers
- kitchen staff
- hub coordinator
- Hauora Direct nurse
- mental health wellness nurse
- support worker
- admin and reception staff
- occupational therapist
- allied health assistant
- Whānau Ora navigator
- whānau support and security.
People who have a regular presence in the building include:
- Māori mental health nurses
- cultural advisor
- Māori Health Team leader
- mental healthcare managers
- Compass and Health Action Trust team
- Te Piki Oranga
- Workbridge and Te Ara Mahi — employment support agencies
- other Hub support partners.
You might be referred to the hub or you can refer yourself.
What to expect when you come to the hub
When you come to Nīkau Hauora Hub, the team will talk with you about the options available to meet your needs. This may include referral to specialist health services, working with the peer support team at the hub, or both to agree a plan to meet your needs.
You will be supported on your journey and the team will work closely with you to help achieve the goals in your plan.
When you have achieved your goals you will be able to reflect on your journey, to understand what went well for you.
You will continue to be welcome at the hub and the team will be here for further support after you have achieved your goals.
Contact information
Nīkau Hauora Hub
88 Selwyn Place
Nelson 7011
Phone: 03 539 3760
Kōtuku House is a house in the country where people who are experiencing an emotional or mental crisis can stay for up to one week as an alternative to hospitalisation. A peer support worker sleeps overnight at the house.
Kōtuku — Te Mana Taki Hauora (external link)
The Shed is a day activity centre in Motueka that has close links with Te Awhina marae.
Referrals to this service are made by your healthcare provider.
Day Activity Services: The Shed Motueka — Gateway (external link)
The White House in Nelson is a peer-led day support service managed and staffed by its members with the help of a support manager.
It offers members a safe and supportive place to belong, with:
- activities
- employment and training opportunities
- meals
- computer
- phone
- TV
- games.
Self-referrals can be made by people who have used, or who are currently using mental health services.
The White House — Healthpoint (external link)
This is an art studio in Nelson run by a charitable trust and referrals are not required.
Magenta Creative Space
15 Selwyn Place
Nelson 7010
Phone: 03 545 8498
Magenta Creative Space (external link)
Golden Bay
Te Whare Mahana Trust provides home-based support services, respite accommodation and advocacy services.
Self-referral is an option for some services, or you can be referred by Te Whare Mahana Trust community mental healthcare providers.
Community mental health services — Te Whare Mahana Trust (external link)
Blenheim and wider Marlborough
CARE Marlborough is a community mental health agency providing 2 services:
- the mental health advocacy service
- a day activity programme.
The mental health advocacy service is a free service that works in partnership with you. They advocate on your behalf or support you to be respected, to have your rights heard and obtain the services you need.
The day activity programme is held at 26 Percy Street, Blenheim. The centre provides a comfortable, warm and safe environment that provides:
- opportunities to meet
- be involved in different activities
- share common experiences.
CARE Marlborough – Healthpoint (external link)
Hapai Te Ora is a house in a quiet part of Blenheim where people can stay for time out from their own home or when they need extra support. The house is staffed 24 hours a day.
Referrals to this service are made by mental healthcare providers.
Hapai Te Ora – Gateway (external link)
Kaupapa Māori mental health services
Oranga Toi Ora provides specialist crisis and routine assessment, care management and consultancy throughout which Māori values and health are inherent.
The principles of equity, accessibility, freedom of choice and the right to quality are sustained in a culturally-sensitive service.
How to access Oranga Toi Ora services
Referrals must come from a healthcare provider or community assessment team member.
Contact information
Nelson Kaiatawhai Tangata Care Manager
Montrose Villa
Nelson Hospital — Braemar Campus
Franklyn Street
Nelson 7010
Phone: 0800 776 364
Marlborough Kaiatawhai Tangata Care Manager
Wairau Hospital
Hospital Road
Blenheim 7201
Phone: 0800 948 497
Oranga Toi Ora — Healthpoint (external link)
Te Piki Oranga provides a range of mental health services, including community support services in Blenheim, Nelson and Motueka.
Mental health and addiction services — Te Piki Oranga (external link)
Support for young people
Pathways provides community-based mental health support services to adults and young people in Nelson, Blenheim and Motueka. Their services include residential recovery and mobile wellbeing support.
Services include:
- additional services
- alcohol and other drugs services
- group wellbeing programmes
- mobile services
- primary mental health services
- residential services
- urgent (acute) services
- whānau support
- youth services.
Support for whānau
Supporting Families Marlborough provides holistic, family-centred, strength-based services for families on the journey to mental wellbeing.
Supporting Families Marlborough — Healthpoint (external link)
Yellow Brick Road supports whānau to navigate through mental health services and agencies to get the help they and their family member need.
It provides:
- face to face and telephone support
- peer support groups
- educational programmes for children
- self care strategies for whānau.
The service extends from Murchison to Motueka and Golden Bay, Richmond to Nelson and as far as Rai Valley.
Yellow Brick Road — Healthpoint (external link)
Peer support and advocacy services
Operated through the Health Action Trust, COMPASS provides community mental health peer advocacy and support services.
Intentional Peer Support Services — Te Mana Taki Hauora (external link)
Employment and training support
Te Ara Mahi (TeAM) is a specialist mental health employment agency. TeAM works in communities to help match jobseekers with the right employer across all industries and supports them to form lasting relationships.
Their mission is to creatively support clients to achieve their employment, education and training goals and to promote recovery.
TeAM works with a wide range of people across Te Tau Ihi | Top of the South Island.
Entry to the service is by referral from your mental health or addiction practitioner.
Contact information
Te Ara Mahi
Level 2
241 Hardy Street
Nelson 7010
Phone or text: 027 918 1889
Phone: 03 548 8120
Te Ara Mahi — Healthpoint (external link)
Local directories for finding community
Connecting with community is vitally important to our mental wellbeing. Not knowing where to look for community can be the biggest barrier to connection.
Online community directories are a great place to start when seeking connection with others who share your interests locally.
FOUND is managed by Volunteer Nelson. The directory offers searchable listings of community groups and organisations by region or interest, such as:
- arts, heritage and culture
- sports and exercise
- health and welfare services
- youth.
The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has physical locations in Blenheim and Nelson and an online community directory to search for community groups both nationally and locally.
Find a CAB — Citizens Advice Bureau (external link)
Wellby Talking Cafés welcome everyone for a relaxed cuppa, and can start your journey to connect with others who enjoy the same things, or to services you need. Hosts talk about what is going on in the community and what resources are available.
Find a Talking Café — Wellby (external link)