| 24 Mar 2020

All non–urgent planned surgery and all non-urgent outpatient appointments have been postponed until further notice. Unless you have been phoned and advised otherwise.

All non- urgent planned surgeries and/or outpatient appointments will be prioritised on urgency, and will not go ahead unless it is deemed as a high priority health intervention.

Please see some examples of high priority health intervention below:

  • Cancer related surgery, pregnancy related surgery, high suspicion of cancer or chemotherapy
  • Unless otherwise advised all planned surgeries and/or outpatient appointments are cancelled. The SCDHB will contact patients directly to advise if their planned surgeries and/or outpatient appointments are going ahead
  • Please note our acute and trauma services will continue as normal.

We apologise to anyone who is affected and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Further changes at South Canterbury DHB:

  • The Chemotherapy Unit will be relocated to the Otago University building on the corner of Edward and Queen Street, Timaru.  The SCDHB will be contacting the affected patients directly to notify them of this change.
  • The Paediatrics Outpatients Department has been shifted to the Gardens Block on level two.